• A Bird’s Eye View of YouthBridge’s YEP STL! Program

    The YEP STL! (Youth Engaged in Philanthropy) program, developed by YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis, recently awarded grants for 2024. This program, begun in the fall of 2016, is led by high school students from across the region who apply for the opportunity … More →

  • Gifts of appreciated stock: Picking favorites

    You’re well aware that donating highly-appreciated stock to a fund at YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis offers significant advantages for your clients over making cash gifts. Communicating this benefit, however, can be challenging when clients have emotional attachments to their shares. How can … More →

  • Mixing business and charity: Keep it ethical, legal, and transparent

    Your clients who are corporate executives have likely wondered at some point about the benefits of aligning their companies with philanthropy, whether specific causes or particular organizations. In general, a community engagement strategy can be good for business, if well-executed. For example, almost half of … More →

  • Planning for a sunset: Lock in a higher exemption, unlock a legacy

    Without legislation to prevent it, the sunsetting of current estate tax laws at the end of 2025 will dramatically reduce the federal estate tax exemption from $13.61 million per person in 2024 to approximately $7 million in 2026 (this includes adjustments for inflation). This change … More →

  • Barbara Carswell

    Barbara directs YouthBridge’s efforts to partner with donors in support of charities in the St. Louis region, especially those focused on children. She oversees a team dedicated to building the bridge between the philanthropic and nonprofit communities by providing exceptional giving experiences and impactful grants … More →

  • Allison McDonald

    Allison manages all YouthBridge Community Foundation grant processes provided by unrestricted funds, donors and clients. She works to ensure an accurate, timely, efficient and transparent process for the entire grant cycle from proposal to closure. She brings strong organizational skills with a passion for customer … More →

  • Youth In Need, UCCC, and LUME Merger – True Synergy in Action

    Synergy is defined as “the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.” YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis is built on this principle. Partners, fundholders, and grant … More →

  • Young children play in boxes in classroom

    Advising the charitable millionaire next door

    At the end of 2024’s first quarter, an estimated 485,000 Americans could count themselves among the so-called “401(k) millionaires,” meaning the balance in their employer-sponsored retirement plans has reached the $1 million level. Thanks in part to stock market rallies during the first part of the year, … More →

  • Child fishes in scenic lake

    Left behind? Why companies need philanthropy advice, too

    It’s relatively straightforward to see how philanthropy figures into the financial and estate plans you build for individuals and families. After all, many of these clients are already supporting their favorite community causes, and it’s your job to make sure they know about all the … More →

  • Five peopple participate in ribbon cutting ceremony

    Legal developments: We’re watching!

    As your go-to resource for charitable giving techniques, the YouthBridge Community Foundation team pays close attention to best practices in addressing the broad range of your clients’ charitable intentions to support both near-term and long-term community needs. This includes tracking legal developments that may impact … More →

  • Cover of 2023 Annual Report titled Connecting Today, Impacting Tomorrow

    Annual Report 2023

    CONNECT TODAY, IMPACT TOMORROW, our 2023 Annual Report, is now available to view online or download as a PDF.

  • Before and After photos of a rehab project in St. Louis

    Impact Investing – Tabernacle Community Development Corporation

    By seeking out investment opportunities that are aligned with our organizational goals and mission, we can celebrate generating financial returns as well as achieving positive social impact to improve our community.

  • Before and After photos of a rehab project in St. Louis

    May 2024

    Impact Investing – Tabernacle Community Development Corporation • YouthBridge Community Foundation Awards Two New Partnership or Merger Grants • 2024 YEP! STL Grants Awarded • Gateway Children’s Charity Grant Opportunity • Need-to-know updates on the proposed donor-advised fund regulations • Celebrate variety: Many assets make great gifts to charity • What’s caught our attention

  • What’s bubbling up: Need-to-know updates on the proposed donor-advised fund regulations

    YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis is committed to providing timely updates on legal and policy developments to help you and other professionals who advise philanthropic clients stay on top of best practices in charitable planning. In that spirit, donor-advised funds and the rules … More →

  • Celebrate variety: Many assets make great gifts to charity

    When your client is getting ready to make a contribution to a fund at YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis or other charity, remind them not to automatically reach for the checkbook! Here are other (and typically more tax-savvy) options to consider. Marketable securities … More →

  • What’s caught our attention

    Charitable giving in an election year While charitable giving historically has been resilient in the midst of elections, it’s worth bearing in mind that some sources predict that political donations will eat into your clients’ budgets for charitable gifts. As you talk with clients about their philanthropy plans … More →

  • April 2024

    Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital – Access to Extraordinary Care • FOCUS Marines Foundation – Service Never Ceases • 2024 Family Business Speaker Series • Grant Opportunity • Save the Date: Progress 64 Entrepreneurial Scholarship Fund •  Gifts of appreciated stock • “Shell funds” and other handy tools for charitable clients • Charitable planning for wealthy clients: In the spotlight

  • Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital – Access to Extraordinary Care

    One of the fundholders at YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis delights in supporting organizations that provide health-related services to children. Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital, with its “Care Beyond the Bedside” model of care, has been a natural fit for partnership.

  • FOCUS Marines Foundation – Service Never Ceases

    The U.S. Marines website states that Marines share a belonging that is more than mere togetherness. This is quite evident at FOCUS Marines Foundation (FMF), a YouthBridge fundholder grant recipient. Founded in 2010 by Marines, the organization is led by volunteer veterans.

  • Gifts of appreciated stock: Let the numbers do the talking

    No matter how frequently you remind clients to pause before they automatically reach for the checkbook to make their charitable gifts, many clients still give cash! As an attorney, accountant, or financial advisor, you are well aware that giving long-term appreciated assets is often one … More →