
  • St. Louis Area Diaper Bank Making a Basic Need More Accessible

    2020 was a pivotal year in a lot of ways. For the St. Louis Area Diaper Bank, it marked six years of serving the region, more than six million diapers distributed through 60 partner agencies, and the launch of a new initiative to expand resources for low-income women.

  • Veterans Find the Lives they Deserve through FOCUS

    We honor our veterans this month and salute the organizations dedicated to helping them live productive and rewarding lives after service, such as FOCUS Marines Foundation. YouthBridge partner Wayne C. Kaufmann Foundation has faithfully funded FOCUS since 2016, helping the organization to continue its mission of serving our nation’s veterans in their transition to civilian life.

  • Year-end giving: Repeat, repeat, repeat

    It’s the season for email newsletters hitting your inbox with tips for tax planning. We get it! With so much information flying around for your clients, too, we highly recommend that you cut through the noise and mention four key tax strategies to your clients at least twice, and ideally three times, before late December.

  • The buzzword is “billionaire”: How tax reform discussions have pulled complex charitable planning strategies into the spotlight

    Forbes reports that the latest headcount of American billionaires checks in at 724. That number surprises some people, and for different reasons. Many are surprised to learn that the number is so low, when the word “billionaire” has been used so frequently lately in discussions about changes to the tax laws.

  • Relax a little (maybe?): What’s off the table, what’s still in play, and what your charitable clients need to know now about tax reform

    Late last month, the White House released a proposed $1.75 trillion revenue package, putting to rest (at least for now) some of the uncertainty as to how sweeping tax reform could upend wealth planning strategies via changes to top marginal rates, a restructuring of the capital gains tax, and lower estate and gift tax exclusions, all of which have been heavily discussed and debated over the last several weeks. For now, those particular big changes appear to have been dropped.

  • October 2021

    Spreading Love and Hope in the Lou • Training Camp Takes Fear out of Fundraising • YouthBridge proud to sponsor 2021 Family Business Awards • Trends that inform what your clients are thinking •Recent IRS actions illuminating charitable tax planning pitfalls • Pending legislation that could impact charitable giving strategies • Notice for Professional Advisors

  • YouthBridge proud to sponsor 2021 Family Business Awards

    Eleven family-owned companies were honored on October 19th, 2021 at the sixth annual Family Business Awards. Family businesses have always been essential to the success of  St. Louis.

  • Spreading Love and Hope in the Lou

    YouthBridge is committed to the sustainability of vital community services that build strong individuals and families. In this article, we highlight a 2020 recipient of our Nonprofit Recovery and Resilience grant, which has also received ongoing support through YouthBridge donor clients.

  • Training Camp Takes Fear out of Fundraising

     As the second deployment of our Nonprofit Recovery and Resiliency Fund, this summer we awarded 10 child-serving charitable organizations with weeklong training in building fundraising capacity. In this article, the Megan Meier Foundation shares how it gained a new perspective and approach to fundraising after attending the workshop.

  • Young man helping high school boy with homework

    Recent IRS actions illuminating charitable tax planning pitfalls

    It requires a keen eye to spot unintended negative consequences of a well-meaning client’s charitable giving strategies! This fall, we suggest you take note of three cautionary tales…

  • Two school-age boys using computer to program robot

    Pending legislation that could impact charitable giving strategies

    Even with a government shutdown averted (at least for now), there are still plenty of legislative loose ends that we’ll help you keep an eye on. Changes could directly or indirectly impact your clients’ overall charitable and estate plans.

  • Five little girls with their arms around each other's shoulders

    Trends that inform what your clients are thinking even if they aren’t saying it

    Hot off the press, the 2021 Bank of America Study of Philanthropy: Charitable Giving by Affluent Households confirms that wealthy families are as committed as ever to the nonprofit sector and community causes.

  • Photo: Believe #6 opening, Levi Matthews

    September 2021

    ‘Change Happens When You Believe,’ Says Julius Anthony • North Side Community School – a Community of Support  • 2021 Heritage Grant Announcements • Proposed legislation: What’s in it for giving? • Gifts of S Corp stock to charity • Gifts of life insurance to charities • Advisors’ fiduciary obligations

  • Photo: North Side Community School

    Proposed legislation: What’s in it for giving?

    The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation’s report issued recently is already creating a buzz among attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors who provide charitable planning advice to their clients. Here are four considerations as you navigate the weeks ahead and prepare for the possibility that the … More →

  • 2021 Heritage Grant Awards Announced

    To honor our mission of partnering with donors around sustainability of nonprofits, YouthBridge provides grants to child or youth serving organizations that are regularly supported by our clients. These organizations have been awarded a $75,000 unrestricted grant paid over a three-year period.

  • December 2021

    Lift For Life Academy Empowers, Uplifts & Educates • Annie’s Hope: ‘Grief is Normal, Natural’ • Standing Strong across St. Louis and St. Charles • Professional Advisor Happy Hour on Jan. 20 • YEP STL! is now accepting grant applications • The ever-popular, handy-dandy, year-end charitable giving checklist • Helping families stay connected across the miles and generations • What’s up with DAF’s?

  • Believe #6 opening at Halls Ferry Intermediate School in Ferguson-Florissant School District. Photo credit: Levi Matthews

    ‘Change Happens When You Believe,’ Says Julius Anthony

    YouthBridge is an active partner and provides support for collaborative community initiatives. As part of our ongoing commitment to youth literacy and its role in developing strong citizens and communities, YouthBridge provided a grant for The Believe Project in partnership with St. Louis Public Schools and St. Louis Black Authors of Children’s Literature.

  • These three factors are a big deal in gifts of S Corp stock to charity

    S Corporation, or limited liability company? That’s a question many family businesses grapple with in their formative stages.

  • Five pointers for gifts of life insurance to charities

    “Incidents of ownership” are three powerful words in estate planning where life insurance is concerned.

  • Advisors’ fiduciary obligations can get personal

    With charitable bequests on the rise, and the possibility that more clients will be subject to Federal estate taxes in the future, many attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors are refreshing their recollections on the requirements of advising and administering taxable estates where one or more charitable organizations are a beneficiary.