
  • How “catch-up” contributions can boost clients’ giving

    At YouthBridge Community Foundation, we regularly work with legal, financial, and tax advisors like you to help clients reach their charitable goals. As a professional who regularly works with charitable clients, you are no doubt well aware of the tremendous benefits to both clients and charities when a client names a charity, such as a fund at YouthBridge, as the beneficiary of an IRA or other qualified retirement plan.

  • Our reading selections

    Giving is down, but the total amount–nearly $500 billion—is still impressive, NIL collectives: DOA?, and Even more reasons to talk about philanthropy with your clients

  • Advising clients about AI’s impact on charitable giving

    News about the capabilities of artificial intelligence has skyrocketed over the last few months. As attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors, no doubt you are watching these developments closely, both because of the potential legal issues involved and also because of the ways AI can enhance your work.

  • Summer topics worth watching

    Proposed legislation known as the Charitable Act appears to be gaining momentum. The bill calls for making available a “below the line” deduction to taxpayers who do not itemize on their tax return.

  • Bridging the gaps in multi-generational family philanthropy

    Differing views within families is nothing new; differing views about nearly anything and everything is centuries old. For generations and generations, common topics of disagreement have included popular culture, politics, religion and parenting, just to name a few. Frequently outranking all is money—how it’s made, spent or saved—or not. 

  • Gifts of cash or stock: Is it a toss up?

    As your philanthropic clients can likely attest, the going has been rough for many of the nonprofit organizations they support. Turbulent economic conditions, concerns about inflation, and challenges in the banking sector are just a few of the factors that are causing donors to be more financially conservative and perhaps begin to evaluate whether to keep their charitable giving at the levels of years past.

  • Here’s what we’re reading

    As you talk with your clients about charitable giving, are you leading with tax benefits? Deferring philanthropy topics until November and December? Not looking at the big picture?

  • Tax scrutiny: Should clients worry about the IRS’s bigger budget?

    A major portion of the $80 billion scheduled to be invested in Internal Revenue Service upgrades is earmarked to “increase tax compliance among wealthy taxpayers and businesses,” according to the IRS’s plan.

  • Retirement plans to charity: Understanding the “trifecta” of tax benefits

    Over the last few months, many advisors have noticed an uptick in client inquiries about leaving their IRAs and other retirement plans to charity. If you’re wondering why, it likely has a lot to do with the buzz about Qualified Charitable Distributions…

  • Tax tips to keep you on your toes

    Charitable deductions and the vehicles that generate them continue to land on the IRS’s radar.

  • Beyond the standard deduction

    Tax deductibility of donations has changed with the times, and another piece of in-process legislation, if passed, would again reward charitable-minded tax filers who do not itemize, at least for tax years 2023 and 2024.

  • Turmoil in banking and technology: Optimism for charitable giving?

    Your philanthropic clients may seek your advice on how the recent events in the banking world could impact their approach this year to charitable giving. We’re sharing three factors to keep in mind as you counsel charitable individuals and families.

  • Giving a business to charity: Stack the odds in your client’s favor 

    Despite recent reports of a 55% decline in charitable giving by the top 50 U.S. donors in 2022, high profile giving by donors associated with well-known businesses has maintained its place in the limelight, even amid recent market volatility and tenacious concerns about inflation and … More →

  • Hidden no more: Designated funds and field-of-interest funds

    Most attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors are well-aware of donor-advised funds and the reasons behind their popularity. Especially when a donor-advised fund is established at YouthBridge Community Foundation, this vehicle is an excellent way for your clients to organize their charitable giving and get even more connected to the causes they care about. 

  • Disaster giving: Perspectives for your clients

    Both the recent one-year anniversary of the start of the Ukraine conflict and the earthquake that has devastated Turkey and Syria are causing more and more people to explore ways they can help. In an era of abundant giving methods and (sadly) potential fraud, YouthBridge Community Foundation is a source of reliability and expediency to help your clients act on their charitable instincts. 

  • In case you missed it: Three tax tips worth smiling about

    Nonprofits and other exempt entities are often left out of discussions when new tax incentives are proposed in Congress, primarily (and logically) because these organizations don’t pay tax. Fortunately, nonprofits are not left out of a recently enhanced tax provision known as the 179D deduction, which is intended to encourage incorporating energy efficiency measures into new or renovated buildings.

  • Valuable conversations: Why it’s smart to talk with your clients about charitable giving

    January is a good time to start helping your clients plan for their annual giving. With the year-end flurry of donations still fresh in many clients’ minds, you may discover that clients will welcome your suggestion to make 2023 the year to get organized early, particularly as economic headwinds make planning especially important.

  • It just keeps getting better: Why charitable gift annuities are having a moment

    Charitable gift annuities (CGAs) are becoming more attractive to philanthropists, making this planned giving vehicle a good fit for your clients who like the idea of an up-front tax deduction, a steady lifetime income stream, and a remainder gift to charity.

  • Celebrating the new Legacy IRA and a boost for QCDs

    Congress passed the much-anticipated, $1.65 trillion-dollar omnibus spending bill known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (“CAA”) on December 23, 2022, followed by President Biden signing the Act into law on December 29, 2022. At more than 4,000 pages, the Act includes a wide range of provisions that impact multiple sectors.

  • Five of 2022’s most-asked questions about Qualified Charitable Distributions

    Qualified Charitable Distributions, or “QCDs,” are becoming a very popular financial and charitable planning tool. At the same time, QCDs are growing as the source of more and more confusion.