
  • October 2024

    Wyman – Making a Difference for Over a Century  • Scholarship Application Closing Soon • Give the Gift of Giving • Lunch with Leaders, Featuring Barbara Carswell • Into the great unknown • Event tickets: Beware of the split • At a loss for words? Tips … More →

  • Wyman – Making a Difference for Over a Century

    It is not easy to find 126-year-old organizations today, and when you do, very few are more relevant now than when they began. Wyman Center, commonly called Wyman, fits that category. YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis celebrates its recent $75,000 Heritage Grant to … More →

  • Into the great unknown

    Humans crave certainty, and that is certainly not what we have right now during election season, especially where taxes are concerned. Your clients who support charitable causes may be wondering how the election outcomes might impact their philanthropic plans. You’re probably wondering that, too! Of course, no … More →

  • Event tickets: Beware of the split

    Many of your philanthropy-minded clients certainly enjoy attending fundraising events for their favorite charities. Especially as community events start ramping up this fall, you’ll want to be aware of a little wrinkle in the IRS rules that may surprise your clients so much that they … More →

  • At a loss for words? Tips for starting a charitable giving conversation

    Attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors certainly are not strangers to tough questions. Indeed, the mix of money, family, and mortality is a potent combination that almost always creates an emotionally-charged planning environment, whether the matter at hand is tax planning, updating wills and trusts, or structuring … More →

  • September 2024

    Growing Capacity at Mission: St. Louis • Student Leadership Opportunity • Now Accepting Scholarship Applications • Capacity Building Grants • Heritage Grant Awards • Lunch with Leaders, Featuring Barbara Carswell • Charitable planning can help ease client procrastination • Closely-held stock is having a moment … More →

  • Growing Capacity at Mission: St. Louis

    Founded seventeen years ago by Executive Director, Josh Wilson, Mission: St. Louis exists to empower individuals for social and economic growth through relationship and opportunity. At its core is the belief that poverty is addressed at the individual level, with dignity at the center. Josh explained, “We want to remove barriers to ensure that people can flourish.”

  • Charitable planning can help ease client procrastination

    Procrastination is a drain in ways that go far deeper than the incomplete task itself. We know this intellectually, but it can be so hard to break the procrastination habit. It seems that the more daunting the task, the harder it is to tackle.

  • Closely-held stock is having a moment

    Giving stock is an important strategy for any private business owner to explore. Not only can these gifts help implement a business succession plan that calls for transferring the business to the next generation if that is your client’s goal, but gifts of stock can also help your business owner client achieve charitable goals and avoid estate tax. 

  • Looking ahead: Charitable planning techniques on the horizon

    The team at YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis keeps a finger on the pulse of current events and legal developments that could impact the way you work with your charitable clients. Below are three notable items that you’ll likely want to keep in mind this fall.

  • August 2024

    Celebrating National Nonprofit Day – August 17 • Reminder: Gateway Children’s Charity Grant Application closes August 16 • Now Accepting Progress 64 Entrepreneurial Scholarship Applications • Counting pennies: How to counsel frugal yet charitable clients • Charitable giving helps parents pass wealth to children • … More →

  • Counting pennies: How to counsel frugal yet charitable clients

    Over the years, you’ve no doubt experienced a wide range of what clients perceive as “wealthy.” You’ve likely also observed that clients have different assumptions about what it takes to be a “philanthropist.” The interplay between a client’s perception of personal wealth and charitable giving capacity … More →

  • Celebrating National Nonprofit Day – August 17

    What does National Nonprofit Day mean to YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis? It could be called our birthday—and the birthday of every U.S. nonprofit organization! On August 17, 1894, the Tariff Act of 1894 was signed into law. This law provided exclusions from … More →

  • Less can be more: Charitable giving helps parents pass wealth to children

    How much is too much? That’s a question many parents ask as they structure lifetime gifts and bequests to children in their financial and estate plans. Wealthy clients are sometimes concerned that leaving millions of dollars, or even hundreds of thousands, to their children could backfire and hinder their … More →

  • Gifts of real estate: Watch every step

    We’re hearing from more and more attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors that your clients are expressing interest in giving real estate to charity. This is wonderful news! You’re certainly aware that gifts of real estate to a fund at YouthBridge, just like gifts of other long-term capital … More →

  • July 2024

    A Bird’s Eye View of YouthBridge’s YEP STL! Program • Grant Application now closes August 16 • Now Accepting Scholarship Applications • Gifts of appreciated stock • Mixing business and charity: Keep it ethical, legal, and transparent • Planning for a sunset: Lock in a higher exemption, unlock a legacy

  • A Bird’s Eye View of YouthBridge’s YEP STL! Program

    The YEP STL! (Youth Engaged in Philanthropy) program, developed by YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis, recently awarded grants for 2024. This program, begun in the fall of 2016, is led by high school students from across the region who apply for the opportunity … More →

  • Gifts of appreciated stock: Picking favorites

    You’re well aware that donating highly-appreciated stock to a fund at YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis offers significant advantages for your clients over making cash gifts. Communicating this benefit, however, can be challenging when clients have emotional attachments to their shares. How can … More →

  • Mixing business and charity: Keep it ethical, legal, and transparent

    Your clients who are corporate executives have likely wondered at some point about the benefits of aligning their companies with philanthropy, whether specific causes or particular organizations. In general, a community engagement strategy can be good for business, if well-executed. For example, almost half of … More →

  • Planning for a sunset: Lock in a higher exemption, unlock a legacy

    Without legislation to prevent it, the sunsetting of current estate tax laws at the end of 2025 will dramatically reduce the federal estate tax exemption from $13.61 million per person in 2024 to approximately $7 million in 2026 (this includes adjustments for inflation). This change … More →