
  • Tax return reviews help clients level up charitable giving plans

    Tax time has its silver linings! Going over a tax return with a client helps start a productive conversation about ways to plan gifts to charity more effectively.

  • March 2024

    Rung for Women – Another Successful Connection • Pony Bird Uses Merger Grant Strategically • 2024 Family Business Speaker Series • Tax return reviews help clients level up charitable giving plans • Donor-advised funds: Recommended reading • Fund types tailored to your client’s charitable goals

  • Rung for Women – Another Successful Connection

    When Barbara Carswell, YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis CEO, became aware of Rung for Women a few years ago, she was impressed with the group’s mission and successes. As she learned more, she automatically began pondering a possible match to a YouthBridge fundholder.

  • Pony Bird Uses Merger Grant Strategically

    Pony Bird has received several grants from a major YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis fundholder over the last eight years. Pony Bird’s mission of enriching the lives of individuals with disabilities is a perfect match for YouthBridge and for this fundholder.

  • Fund types tailored to your client’s charitable goals

    Just as each of your clients has a unique estate plan and financial plan to meet the client’s particular situation and goals, each of your philanthropic clients needs a unique charitable giving plan. For example, for some clients, giving shares of highly-appreciated stock consistently every year to their fund at YouthBridge Community Founadtion makes the most sense for their charitable goals and their mix of assets. For other clients, leaving a bequest to YouthBridge to support specific areas of interest is the best fit for the client’s financial situation and community priorities.  

  • Donor-advised funds: Recommended reading

    On an ongoing basis, the team at YouthBridge Community Foundation tracks legislation, legal developments, trends, news, and innovative strategies for all types of charitable giving so that we can keep fund holders and their advisors up to date. 

  • February 2024

    The Noir Bookshop Fund: A Fiscal Sponsorship to Love • Love Takes Many Forms • 2024 Family Business Speaker Series • Digital giving cards are now •  Serving clients who love local • FAQs: A snapshot of clients’ tax-time charitable giving questions • Use caution when advising clients about donating works of art

  • The Noir Bookshop Fund: A Fiscal Sponsorship to Love

    Ymani received a grant award to place vending machines with free books in places where children congregate and to expand the community activities at the bookshop. After learning she had won the grant, however, she discovered that the money could only be received by a qualified nonprofit organization. Far from being disheartened, Ymani began the search for a fiscal sponsor, and soon realized that YouthBridge was the partner she was looking for.

  • Love Takes Many Forms

    February is sometimes called the month of love, and YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis is joining in the celebration. Rather than honor Cupid, we are focused on the love that comes from the Ancient Greek word philanthropia, the root word of philanthropy.

  • Tips for serving clients who love local

    Your charitably-minded clients certainly have no shortage of options for their philanthropic dollars. Many clients use their donor-advised funds, for example, at YouthBridge Community Foundation to support favorite charities across the country, including alma maters, organizations in the communities where they’ve lived in the past … More →

  • FAQs: A snapshot of clients’ tax-time charitable giving questions

    The year is in full swing. Attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors are asking clients to start gathering tax documents and related paperwork for 2023 tax returns and 2024 planning.

  • Use caution when advising clients about donating works of art

    Your clients who own highly-appreciated works of art certainly can consider making gifts of this property to a charity. Use caution, though, when helping clients structure gifts of artwork.

  • January 2024

    Building on Successes of 2023 for More Meaningful Impact in 2024 – Words from YouthBridge CEO, Barbara Carswell • Progress 64 Entrepreneurial Scholarship Fund Established with YouthBridge • YouthBridge Awards Grants for Child Abuse and Neglect Facility Improvement and Infrastructure • Announcing YouthBridge Community Foundation 2024 Grant Programs  • Professional Advisor’s Corner • Big gifts, bullish portfolios, and kids who move away • Unrestricted giving, the trust factor, and why it matters to your clients • Tax law twists and turns

  • Progress 64 Entrepreneurial Scholarship Fund Established with YouthBridge

    Sometimes the most obvious solutions are right under your nose. Progress 64 West has been awarding scholarships to young entrepreneurs for decades, but last year the Scholarship Committee began discussing ways to be more effective. The group needed help to expand its reach and deepen its impact through larger scholarships. Unbeknownst to the committee, the solution it was looking for all along existed within its own backyard at YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis.

  • Big gifts, bullish portfolios, and kids who move away

    If you’re not talking about charitable giving with your high net-worth clients, 2024 is the year to start doing it! Recent studies show that 85.1% of affluent households give to charity. Certainly many of your clients are among them. Take a few minutes this month to scan your client list for three common scenarios and related opportunities for charitable giving solutions.

  • Building on Successes of 2023 for More Meaningful Impact in 2024

    YouthBridge Community Foundation of Greater St. Louis has been busy! As the new year begins and we dive into goals and plans for 2024, we want to take a moment to celebrate the growth and successes of last year. More than simply celebrating, we want to examine those successes to determine not only how to recreate them, but how to build upon them.

  • Unrestricted giving, the trust factor, and why it matters to your clients

    The gifts Americans give to charity every year provide critical support for more than a million organizations that are helping sustain the quality of life in our communities. Philanthropy equates to 2% of GDP–that’s a little more than the home health care services sector! And, trust is growing as a must-have prerequisite before your clients decide to give to an organization, increasing from 63.9% to 69.9% between December 2021 and December 2022.

  • Tax law twists and turns: Five developments impacting charitable giving

    2023 was a busy year! We understand that charitable giving topics may not always be at the top of your reading list. That’s why we’re here! The team at YouthBridge Community Foundation is committed to keeping you up-to-date on what you need to know. Here’s a recap of five key developments last year that are most certainly worth keeping an eye on in 2024.

  • December 2023

    The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis Receives YouthBridge Heritage Grant • Restore Orphan Fund Meets at YouthBridge Offices • Order Giving Cards by December 12 • YEP STL grant applications open • P64 Entrepreneurial Scholarship Fund Awardees • Capacity Building Grants Awarded• A Changing of the Guard • Reminder for Donor-Advised Fundholders •  IRA Charitable Rollover for 2023 • By the numbers: What’s around the corner in 2024 • Charitable giving tips for clients’ golden years • Philanthropy keeps your clients sticky

  • Restore Orphan Fund Meets at YouthBridge Offices

    Only in the world of YouthBridge Community Foundation would it seem commonplace to host a board meeting for an organization whose members live across the country – and who have never met in person! Restore Orphan Fund (ROF) members recently took advantage of YouthBridge’s invitation to visit St. Louis to meet each other and meet the YouthBridge staff, while bringing a little joy to the lives of area children living in foster care.