
  • Operation Food Search Tackling the Pandemic of Hunger

    Of the many effects of the Coronavirus crisis, food security has been one of its major victims. In the last few years, we had seen child hunger drop to one in six children in America. With the pandemic, that number has gone back up to one in four.

  • LESA Opening Doors to Lutheran Christian Education

    Brad Bunte had a bright future. It was clear where he was headed and likely that we would be hearing his voice today calling a game, sharing an analysis, entertaining us.

  • First Round of “Recovery” Grants Awarded

    As part of the Nonprofit Recovery + Resilience Grant Program,  has awarded over $100,000 in general operating support for COVID recovery among the following organizations…

  • IRS ruling helps employers and employees help pandemic victims

    In Notice 2020-46, the IRS said compensation treatment will not be triggered when an employer makes cash payments to a charitable organization based on employees’ forgoing vacation, personal, or sick days.

  • Keep clients informed about stress on the social sector

    Peter Drucker once wrote “Only the social sector, that is, the nongovernmental, nonprofit organization, can create what we now need, communities for citizens.”

  • Endowment Client Focusing on the Ties that Bind

    They’re a nonprofit like us – with a history of providing homes for children; it seemed a perfect fit. I also was encouraged by how they became immediate cheerleaders for us…

  • July 2020

    Ensuring Every Child is Prepared to Thrive • Recovery + Resilience Grants Announced • Jumpstarting Revenue Growth for Artist Collective • Caring Begins Early for YEP Participants • Connecting Donors with Local Causes

  • Ensuring Every Child is Prepared to Thrive

    “We do a disservice to people when we provide them resources but don’t also empower them to chart their own path,” says Anna-Stacia Allen, Executive Director of Navigate STL Schools.

  • Think Big for Kids Grantee Sharing New Way of Thinking

    The YouthBridge grant has helped to elevate FamilyForward’s capabilities. We’ve been able to significantly expand service delivery to about 350 advanced levels of training to staff and add services.

  • Investing for Community Impact

    YouthBridge Community Foundation has made the first investments of our 25×25 Impact Investing Initiative, which we expect to total $5-6 million over the next five years.

  • Connecting Donors with Local Causes

    Through the Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), YouthBridge can help clients identify community needs that are a good fit, and organize their giving with a very simple online platform. Their local expertise also is a huge draw.

  • Galas look different, but the tax rules are still sticky

    For many charities that rely on events to achieve annual fundraising goals, the cancellation of 2020’s Met Gala (which raised an estimated $15 million in 2019) came as a blow, signaling that live galas and auctions might not be back anytime soon.

  • Caring Begins Early for YEP Participants

    Paul Spearing admits that he was knocked off his seat the first time he met with the YouthBridge YEP (Youth Engaged in Philanthropy) committee.

  • Surprising IRS relief for required minimum distributions

    In the CARES Act, passed on March 27, 2020, Congress eliminated this year’s Required Minimum Distributions from IRAs, 401(k)s, and 457(b) and 403(b) plans.

  • Jumpstarting Revenue Growth for Artist Collective

    Honestly, having a personal coach to walk me through organizing, reconnecting and leveraging the contacts we’ve made through the years has been the greatest asset.

  • Barbara Carswell to Succeed Michael Howard as YouthBridge CEO

    YouthBridge has announced that Barbara Carswell, Vice President, will be appointed Chief Executive Officer upon the departure of Michael Howard.

  • June 2020

    Barbara Carswell to Succeed Michael Howard as CEO • Collaborative Launches $2 Million Regional Racial Healing Fund • A Second Lease on Life • Focusing on the Ties that Bind • Donor-advised funds: Working hard for our community • Important reminders: QCDs and CLATs

  • Focusing on the Ties that Bind

    Family has been at the center of CFS since its start in 1973 as a foster care/adoption agency. Over the years, the focus of CFS has shifted to family reunification and finding ways to keep the family unit together whenever possible.

  • A Second Lease on Life

    “It’s amazing what love can do. We’ll take in a dog that looks completely defeated, but when he realizes he can trust again, his whole demeanor changes.”

  • Positive Steps Toward Healing in St. Louis

    Please join YouthBridge Community Foundation as we support this new fund for the St. Louis community:   Collaborative Launches $2 Million Regional Racial Healing Fund Funding Will Support Racial Justice Movement in St. Louis ST. LOUIS, MO (June 12, 2020) – Deaconess Foundation, Forward Through … More →