We’ve moved!
Please note our new address, effective April 19, 2018
Please note our new address, effective April 19, 2018
We awarded Youth In Need with a $76,500 Think Big for Kids grant to help them create a network of service agencies to significantly reduce homelessness in youth ages 16-24 and increase permanent housing for at-risk youth in our region.
Brackets for Good 2017 came to a thrilling close this month in St. Louis, with a grand total of $294,904 being raised for charity!
Did you know that making a gift of appreciated securities is one of the most tax-efficient ways to give? Not only do you get a charitable tax deduction, but you may be able to avoid the capital gains tax on the donated stock.
Do you love helping others? Do you want to be more forward-thinking and strategic in your giving?
#SeeTheGood in St. Louis • Taxes and Giving • New Member of YouthBridge Team • Family Business Speaker Series • Join the March Madness with Brackets for Good! • Jumpstart Workshop • Philanthropy, Gen Z style
YouthBridge is proud to be the title partner for the 2018 STL Brackets for Good tournament.
YouthBridge Community Foundation was recently recognized for our transparency with a Gold Seal on our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile.
YouthBridge hosted Network for Good on January 31 to share fundraising strategies with emerging nonprofits and introduce the Jumpstart program.
We’ve been sharing posts about good things happening in St. Louis, and tagging them with #SeeTheGood. Because where focus goes, energy flows. And we see a lot of good happening in St. Louis, by all kinds of people.
We checked in on the crew at YEP STL (Youth Engaged in Philanthropy) at one of their recent meetings, and found them hard at work evaluating grant proposals.
The new tax law signed into effect at the end of 2017 caused a great deal of discussion (and some concern) about its effect on charitable giving.
Many have worried about the negative impact of the new tax law on charitable giving. A higher standard deduction means fewer itemizers.
Giving Nonprofits a “Jumpstart” • Philanthropy for Your Family Business • Brackets for Good • YouthBridge CEO Appointed to Children’s Trust Fund Board • Kids Deserve Wellbeing
Michael Howard, YouthBridge Community Foundation CEO, was recently appointed by Governor Eric Greitens to serve on the Children’s Trust Fund Board.
YouthBridge CEO Michael Howard delivered the opening remarks at Kids Deserve Wellbeing’s inaugural community education and outreach event on January 23.
Philanthropy can give a family business a purposeful way to give back to the community, communicate your core values, or help you plan for business succession.
DAFs are an excellent tool for both financial planning and charitable giving. But not all are the same, and some are going to serve your purposes better than others.
Camp Jump Start in Imperial raised $51,983 in the final round in a blowout win against HEROES Care in the Brackets For Good St. Louis’ fundraising contest based on the NCAA men’s basketball playoffs.
YouthBridge Community Foundation is excited to announce that sixty-four St. Louis area charities are gearing up for their chance to dance – in a charitable giving tournament.