
  • STL Youth Jobs Bridging the Workforce Divide

    There’s a gulf between youth ready to work and employers ready to hire skilled workers, but it’s getting smaller thanks to STL Youth Jobs. Last year, the organization engaged about 1,000 youth in job coaching, meaningful, paid work-based experience and other training to help prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow.

  • Spotlight on Endowment Fundholders: earthday365

    When Jessica Watson became the new Executive Director of earthday365 in March 2020, she had no idea that she would be the first forced to cancel the 30-year-old St. Louis Earth Day Festival. “I was there maybe three or four weeks when we received word that our permit had been revoked due to COVID,” she says. “It was a huge blow, but we didn’t stay down long.”

  • March 2023

    Jefferson County CASA • Students Soar into STEM and the Aviation Field • Family Business Speaker Series • Business & Personal Gifts Made Easy • Disaster giving: Perspectives for your clients • Hidden no more: Designated funds and field-of-interest funds • Giving a business to … More →

  • Students Soar into STEM and the Aviation Field

    “When a student steps off the plane on their last day of the course, you’ve never seen a smile so big,” says Amy Buehler, Interim President of Wings of Hope. The course she’s speaking of is a four-week training program of Wings of Hope, called SOAR into STEM, which introduces area high school students to flight and aviation career paths.

  • Spotlight on Endowment Fundholders, Jefferson County CASA

    Sister Marita Anne Marrah was lovingly referred to as “the little nun who could.” Even in her eighties, there was nothing she could or would not do as a Board member for Jefferson County CASA to ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive in a safe, loving home. And, so, when another Board member provided the start for an endowment fund in 2021, it was only fitting to her that it would be named in honor of Sister Marita, who passed away that same year.

  • Giving a business to charity: Stack the odds in your client’s favor 

    Despite recent reports of a 55% decline in charitable giving by the top 50 U.S. donors in 2022, high profile giving by donors associated with well-known businesses has maintained its place in the limelight, even amid recent market volatility and tenacious concerns about inflation and … More →

  • Hidden no more: Designated funds and field-of-interest funds

    Most attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors are well-aware of donor-advised funds and the reasons behind their popularity. Especially when a donor-advised fund is established at YouthBridge Community Foundation, this vehicle is an excellent way for your clients to organize their charitable giving and get even more connected to the causes they care about. 

  • Disaster giving: Perspectives for your clients

    Both the recent one-year anniversary of the start of the Ukraine conflict and the earthquake that has devastated Turkey and Syria are causing more and more people to explore ways they can help. In an era of abundant giving methods and (sadly) potential fraud, YouthBridge Community Foundation is a source of reliability and expediency to help your clients act on their charitable instincts. 

  • February 2023

    Pet Clinic Envisions ‘No Needless Kill Community’ • East Side Aligned • Family Business Speaker Series • Client conversations: Why your 2023 agenda must include charitable giving It’s not too early for spring cleaning: Make this the year to help clients get organized • In case you missed it: Three tax tips worth smiling about

  • January 2023

    Healing Action – a Gateway from Exploitation to Empowerment • Four New Capacity Building Grants Announced • YouthBridge announces 2023 grant programs • Celebrating the new Legacy IRA and a boost for QCDs • Why charitable gift annuities are having a moment • Why it’s smart to talk with your clients about charitable giving

  • Spotlight on Grant Recipient East Side Aligned

    Evan Krauss wants people to know about the incredible potential of East Saint Louis, IL. “While economically and systemically disadvantaged, there is so much talent here and so many committed people working day in and day out to create a community where our children and youth can thrive,” he says.

  • Pet Clinic Envisions ‘No Needless Kill Community’

    Wendy Heckman has a chart she shares during February’s National Spay and Neuter Month. It’s a “reproductive pyramid,” depicting the population explosion that can occur when a dog or cat is allowed to reproduce unchecked, and shows that within six years, an unspayed female cat can yield more than 11 million descendants!

  • Client conversations: Why your 2023 agenda must include charitable giving

    No doubt, your news feed includes far more articles about philanthropy as a planning tool for your clients than it did just a few years ago. Charitable giving has always been an important subject of client discussions for attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors. What’s changed is that widespread coverage of both major charitable gifts and the ease of making online donations has prompted more of your clients to pay attention to philanthropy.

  • It’s not too early for spring cleaning: Make this the year to help clients get organized

    If you’re already dreading asking your clients to pull together their receipts and other documents for 2022 tax filings, this may be a good time to take proactive steps to avoid being in this same spot next year.

  • In case you missed it: Three tax tips worth smiling about

    Nonprofits and other exempt entities are often left out of discussions when new tax incentives are proposed in Congress, primarily (and logically) because these organizations don’t pay tax. Fortunately, nonprofits are not left out of a recently enhanced tax provision known as the 179D deduction, which is intended to encourage incorporating energy efficiency measures into new or renovated buildings.

  • January 2023

    Healing Action – a Gateway from Exploitation to Empowerment • Four New Capacity Building Grants Announced • 2023 grant programs • Happy Hour • Celebrating the new Legacy IRA and a boost for QCDs • Why charitable gift annuities are having a moment • Why it’s smart to talk with your clients about charitable giving

  • Four New Capacity Building Grants Announced

    YouthBridge announces four new recipients of the capacity building grant –  developed to assist nonprofits in building, strengthening and sustaining their organizations.

  • Healing Action – a Gateway from Exploitation to Empowerment

    This month marks the 13th year the nation has recognized Human Trafficking Prevention Month. While it’s an opportunity to raise awareness on preventing and responding to human trafficking and exploitation, it’s also a time to acknowledge and celebrate the progress that survivor leaders and anti-trafficking organizations and allies have achieved.

  • Valuable conversations: Why it’s smart to talk with your clients about charitable giving

    January is a good time to start helping your clients plan for their annual giving. With the year-end flurry of donations still fresh in many clients’ minds, you may discover that clients will welcome your suggestion to make 2023 the year to get organized early, particularly as economic headwinds make planning especially important.

  • It just keeps getting better: Why charitable gift annuities are having a moment

    Charitable gift annuities (CGAs) are becoming more attractive to philanthropists, making this planned giving vehicle a good fit for your clients who like the idea of an up-front tax deduction, a steady lifetime income stream, and a remainder gift to charity.