
  • September 2022

    Endowment Fund: SLOCA Says ‘You Are Not Alone’ to Women with Ovarian Cancer • YEP Grant Recipient: CHADS Coalition for Mental Health • Student Leadership Opportunity• TBFK Grant Announcement • Happy Hour Tonight • Inherited IRAs • Highly-appreciated stock • Two key topics for client meetings • Cryptocurrency

  • SLOCA Says ‘You Are Not Alone’ to Women with Ovarian Cancer

    September is nationally recognized as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Yet it remains a very lonely disease, says Susan Robben, Executive Director of St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness (SLOCA). “If you’re diagnosed with breast cancer, you often will find many others that have gone through it or that know someone who has. Ovarian cancer is unique and patients can feel very alone,” she says. The fact is ovarian cancer is one-tenth as common as breast cancer, but three times as lethal.

  • The “i’s” have it: Two key topics for client meetings

    Inflation, interest rates, income tax, and the IRS are ever-present topics during discussions with your clients. Right now, there’s a lot to talk about, especially related to charitable giving. Let’s look at two examples of hot topics that may take a front seat in your client conversations this fall as you are helping your clients consider their options for structuring charitable giving and philanthropic legacies in the current economic environment.

  • Highly-appreciated stock: If your client missed the ideal window, it’s still not too late to support charity

    During a routine check-in meeting, your client casually mentions that the client’s employer, a local company, was just acquired. The client and dozens of fellow employee shareholders are now flush with cash. “I’d like to use some of the money to give to charity,”…

  • Inherited IRAs: Big headache, or big opportunity?

    Until the law changed a few years ago, a client who was named as the beneficiary of a parent’s IRA, for example, could count on a relatively straightforward and tax-savvy method of withdrawals called the “stretch IRA.” With the passage of the SECURE Act, that changed for many clients who inherited an IRA after December 31, 2019.

  • Cryptocurrency: What if your clients own it and you don’t think they should?

    Most advisors exercise extra caution when advising clients about cryptocurrency. Indeed, 68% of investment fund executives surveyed do not believe it is a good idea for their clients to own cryptocurrency in the first place. Still, according to some sources, 43% of clients hold cryptocurrency in their portfolios.

  • August 2022

    Parkway Alumni Association • YouthBridge Continues Impact Investing • Nominate a Business • Happy Hour • Reminding clients about wills, trusts, and charitable bequests • Summer legislative updates • Farms, tax planning, and funding a family legacy

  • YouthBridge Continues Impact Investing

    YouthBridge has made a second round of investment in Justine Petersen in the amount of $300,000, as part of our ongoing commitment to invest more of our endowment in projects that strengthen the St. Louis community.

  • YouthBridge Endowment Funds: Parkway Alumni Association

    PAA, entering its 30th year, has been doing its part to recognize the special impact of teachers and school staff through a number of grant and recognition programs. “The association was initially started because the school district wanted to do a better job of tracking alumni,” says Riutcel. “Over the last three decades, we’ve grown into so much more, fostering programs that acknowledge those who make a difference in our schools and that encourage educational opportunities for Parkway students.”

  • Summer legislative updates–and looking ahead to sunsets

    Reconciliation legislation is back in play, and while it includes a few tax provisions (e.g., adding a corporate minimum tax and eliminating the carried interest tax break), the proposed legislation is far less sweeping than reforms proposed in earlier versions.

  • Farms, tax planning, and funding a family legacy

    A gift of farmland to a fund at YouthBridge doesn’t just provide tax benefits. The gift also helps your client overcome the emotional challenges associated with letting go of an asset that in many cases has been in the family for generations.

  • Back to basics: Reminding clients about wills, trusts, and charitable bequests

    August is national Make a Will Month, and the publicity surrounding this designation may prompt your clients to ask you about whether their affairs are in good order.

  • July 2022

    Caritas Fostering Loving Care for Every Child • YouthBridge Welcomes Tom Gatti to Board of Directors • Bunching, long-term appreciated assets, and helping younger clients • QCD eligibility, and public support  • QCD enhancements

  • QCD enhancements: Steps forward and fingers crossed 

    In legislative news, a recent flurry of activity in the Senate has inched forward the legislation known as SECURE 2.0. Philanthropists and their advisors are watching this legislation closely because of the proposed inclusion of provisions that would adjust the annual $100,000 Qualified Charitable Distribution (“QCD”) cap for inflation and allow a one-time, $50,000 QCD to a charitable remainder trust or other split-interest gift.

  • Bunching, long-term appreciated assets, and the fruits of helping younger clients plan their charitable giving

    Developing a thorough estate plan isn’t important only for Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. Millennials, who now make up nearly a quarter of the population in the United States, may prove to be more enthusiastic planners than their parents and grandparents, according to the 2022 … More →

  • YouthBridge edge: Personal knowledge, QCD eligibility, and public support  

    Advisors frequently comment that they’re surprised to discover the many ways YouthBridge Community Foundation can help their clients, especially compared with national donor-advised fund programs affiliated with brokerage houses or financial services firms.

  • YouthBridge Welcomes Tom Gatti to Board of Directors

    “You can’t stay inside your own ‘zone’ if you’re going to learn and grow as a human being,” says Tom Gatti. It’s a principle that he and his wife have lived by and passed on to their now-adult children. Gatti, partner at Black Twig Marketing and Communications, is the newest addition to the YouthBridge Board of Directors.

  • Caritas Fostering Loving Care for Every Child

    Caritas has the largest adoption and foster care programs in Southern Illinois, supporting nearly 2,400 foster children and their families in 2021, and is ranked one of the highest performing foster agencies in Illinois. It also operates the St. John Bosco Children’s Center, a home for children who are too traumatized to succeed in foster care.

  • YEP Grant Recipient: CHADS Coalition for Mental Health

    When Marian and Larry McCord’s teenage son, Chad, took his life in 2004, they mourned his passing but also worried about the next family to experience “a living hell,” says Marian. “Actually, at first, I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out, but eventually I realized that the things I’d learned through all of it had the potential to help someone else.”

  • June 2022

    YEP! STL Recognized for Innovation in Philanthropy • First Capacity Building Grants Awarded • Endowment Training Series • Playbook: Helping clients organize their giving through a donor-advised fund • Finding the good, giving as a wealth strategy, and an open invitation