
  • Cover of 2023 Annual Report titled Connecting Today, Impacting Tomorrow

    Annual Report 2023

    CONNECT TODAY, IMPACT TOMORROW, our 2023 Annual Report, is now available to view online or download as a PDF.

  • Annual Report 2022

    Partnering for Greater IMPACT, our 2022Annual Report, is now available to view online or download as a PDF.

  • Annual Report 2021

    Our Community in Focus, our 2021 Annual Report, is available view online or download as a PDF.

  • Estate Plan Organizer

    The Estate Plan Organizer helps you keep track of important documents, financial accounts, contacts and other information that your lawyer, executor or family will need as part of your estate administration.

  • Missouri Common Grant Application Budget Template


  • Investment Performance

    Monthly Performance, June 2024 Quarterly Performance, Q2

  • Annual Report 2020

    We Carry On. We Carry Each Other. We are committed to partnerships that support a better St. Louis for all of our children and families.

  • Annual Report 2019

    Caring. Community. Connections. Serving as the bridge between community resources and community needs focused on children and youth

  • Annual Report 2018

    In 2018, we shared stories of people like you doing good in the community with our #SeeTheGood social media campaign. Now, we turn the lens back on ourselves. These are the stories, photos, and numbers behind YouthBridge Community Foundation’s impact on St. Louis.

  • Annual Report 2017

    Give Together. Grow Together.

  • Donor-Advised Fund Guidelines & Forms

    Donor-Advised Fund Guidelines DAF Agreement, Corporate DAF Agreement, Individual Investment Recommendation Form About Donor-Advised Funds  

  • Investment Recommendation Form

    The Community Foundation’s investment program offers the flexibility to customize your Fund’s investments to meet your charitable goals, whether they are immediate or long term.

  • Private Foundations vs. Donor Advised Fund

    Chart to compare DAFs and private foundations

  • How to open a DAF for your client

    A step-by-step guide to opening a donor-advised fund with us and retaining management of those assets on your platform.

  • Advisor Guidelines

    YouthBridge Community Foundation takes seriously its stewardship responsibility as a manager of many different kinds of donor funds.

  • Nonprofit Endowment Account FAQ’s

    Why should we have an endowment fund? Stability is the main reason to have an endowment. Many nonprofits only think about the current fiscal year or the next payroll. It is important to move away from that short term thinking as soon as possible and … More →

  • Complex Gifts

    Charitable giving encompasses more than just cash donations. Families and businesses can tap into the Community Foundation’s expertise to quickly and easily donate hard-to-value assets, and open family or corporate funds to further their charitable goals.